Thursday, 15 March 2012

Meru Goes Virtual in every aspect

Hi All,

Things are really moving in the Wireless space right now and our brilliant Wi-Fi Partners over at Meru are at it again.
Yesterday, Meru Networks announced a series of moves to push infrastructure in to the cloud, helping alleviate more of the barriers to deploying mobility ready system in schools and academic institutions via flexible installation models, which are capable of managing BYOD and Secure, Self Provisioned Guest Access. 

Of course we at SWOTNET have been quick to leap on this model, making use of our partners over at HRC3 who deliver an academic to academic cloud platform, with some really trick services.

What's really neat? Now we can offer fully loaded wireless systems without any of the headache of on premise hardware and all that entails. This is great news for your potential wireless plans. 

You can choose to deploy your Meru solutions in your campus datacenter or off your premises, leveraging cloud-based offerings from the low cost and academically focused HRC3 Platform. Alongside Meru, SWOTNET also plans to offer these applications as subscription-based, cloud-hosted private application services (PAS) and so we can look to provision location and identity services without the need to deploy additional hardware. 
Now we can run all of these systems by way of subscription it means; no more end of life hardware to manage as all systems in our cloud offering will be running on the very latest Meru technology. No more hardware support contracts to maintain. Less commitment to power meaning schools estates get lower energy bills. , The cost savings versus on premise kit are set to make a huge difference to current and future ICT spends.
This is a game changing move from Meru since it greatly reduces the footprint of mobility estates and allows the:
·         Reuse of existing servers.
·         Deploy multiple virtual appliances on the same hardware platform.
·         Employ low-cost commodity servers over higher end applicances.
·         Reduce hardware support, power, cooling, and rack space requirements helping meet green initatives.
·         Ride the cost-performance technology curve and evolution of x86 platforms.
·         Consolidate networking applications onto a single system for remote campus integration.
·         Choose best-of-breed appliances and avoid vendor lock-in.
·         Expedite product acquisition and streamline service deployment.
·         Obtain cloud-delivery benefits by hosting your virtualized Meru solution in your datacenter or private cloud.
Please do reach out to our SWOT team if you have plans to deploy wireless to support your teaching and learning. We have many years experience and have deployed many thousands of access points throughout the UK education system. You can reach us by email:

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